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20th Anniversary


Coming Clean’s 20th Anniversary



In Memoriam

We all stand on the shoulders of those who have gone on before us. This memoriam list includes not only Coming Clean members who have passed away, but also those in the broader movement whose names have been lifted up by our members by either submitting them directly, honoring them on the listserv, or bringing their memory forward on an all members call. We know there are others, we welcome you to add their names. They are members, mentors, movement leaders, and individuals whose memory we honor in the work we do.

Frank Ackerman,  Dana Alston,  Bill Anderson,  Bahati Ansari,  Diane Bady,  Judy Bonds,  Nilak Butler,  Johnnie Mae Byers,  Berta Cáceres,  Theo Colborn,  Luke Cole,  Cecil Corbin-Mark,  Everardo Cortez,  Mary Dann,  Carrie Dann,  Pam Dashielle,  Shelley Davis,  Mary Beth Doyle,  Betty Dubose,  Nora Eggert,  Gail Ferguson,  Warne Ferguson,  Jeanne Gauna,  Larry Gibson,  Ra'Sean Gray,  Lizzie Grossman,  Louis Guillette,  Sharon Hanshaw,  Carol Hemingway,  Johnnie Mae Hughley,  Andy Igrejas,  Hazel Johnson,  Rose Johnson,  Bettie Kettell,  Andrea Kidd Taylor,  Denny Larson,  Wangari Maathai,  Wilma Mankiller,  Andrea Martin,  Geraldean Matthew,  Jimmy Morris,  Edgar Mouton Jr,  Chuck Nelson,  Bill Oxley,  Earma Peterson,  Jamie Redford,  Martha Rocha Diaz,  Louise Seay,  Jean Sindab,  Damu Smith,  Raynina Swann,  Angela Tanner,  Connie Tucker,  Kirby Walker,  Nathalie Walker,  Jackie Warledo,  Glenn Wasson,  Robert West,  Deborah White Plume,  Willie Mae Williams,  Barry Withrow,  Betty Woods.

At the top of this page you will find photo slides for this memoriam, photos have either been submitted or pulled from our archive.
If you would like to add a name to lift up, or submit a photo for the honorarium: submit those here.


Member Spotlights

We'd be nothing without our members! 

Throughout 2022 we have been highlighting some of the many incredible organizations that make up Coming Clean. Watch the spotlight interview videos below or click on the name of any organization listed below to visit their full spotlight page.


Spotlight: Coming Clean and the Environmental Justice Health Alliance

The Environmental Justice Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform (EJHA) and Coming Clean work in strategic partnership, closely coordinating priorities and activities. This unique and deep partnership has benefited both EJHA and its affiliates, and Coming Clean and its members, by allowing both networks to retain their independent identities and leadership while achieving more together than they could alone.




Member Spotlights

Physicians for Social Responsibility, Los Angeles

Physicians for Social Responsibility, Los Angeles (PSR-LA) advocates for policies and practices that improve public health, eliminate nuclear and environmental threats, and address health disparities. Current program areas include: nuclear threats, air & climate justice, land use & health, and toxics & water.

Alaska Community Action on Toxics

Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT) is a statewide environmental health and justice organization that believes everyone has the right to clean air, clean water, and toxic-free food. Driven by a core belief in environmental justice, ACAT empowers communities to eliminate exposure to toxics through collaborative research, shared science, education, organizing, and advocacy.

Clean Power Lake County

Clean Power Lake County (CPLC) is a volunteer-led, Waukegan-based, grassroots organization devoted to ensuring clean air, clean water, and healthy soil for every Lake County community member.

Clean Production Action

Clean Production Action (CPA) designs and delivers strategic solutions for green chemicals, sustainable materials and environmentally preferable products. CPA’s unique role translates the systems-based vision of clean production into the tools and strategies to advance green chemicals, sustainable materials and environmentally preferable products.

Women’s Voices for the Earth

Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) amplifies women’s voices to eliminate the toxic chemicals that harm our health and communities. We imagine a world where the earth is taken care of, workers are paid well and treated fairly, and there are no toxic chemicals in our homes, our communities, or our environment. In this world, every point in the cycle of production and consumption – from extraction, to processing, to use, to disposal – contributes not just to a less toxic world, but to a thriving world.

Farmworker Association of Florida

The Farmworker Association of Florida (FWAF) is a statewide, grassroots, community-based, non-profit, farmworker membership organization with over 10,000 Haitian, Hispanic, and African American members and five offices in the state of Florida with a 37 year history of working for social and environmental justice with farmworkers.

Agricultura Cooperative Network

The Agricultura Cooperative Network (ACN), doing business as Agri‑Cultura Network, provides access to local produce to promote nutrition and economic development through traditional and innovative agricultural practices, therefore furthering environmental and community stewardship to strengthen the agrarian and cultural heritage of our land and its residents.

Rubbertown Emergency ACTion

Rubbertown Emergency ACTion (REACT) is a grassroots organization of residents living in neighborhoods adjacent to a cluster of chemical plants commonly referred to as Rubbertown. REACT is fighting for: strong laws to stop toxic air pollution from chemical plants, the protection of residents in the event of a leak, fire or explosion in a chemical plant or railcar, and full disclosure and easy access to information concerning the impact of Rubbertown on residents living nearby.

Natural Resources Defense Council

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) works to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. We combine the power of more than three million members and online activists with the expertise of some 700 scientists, lawyers, and policy advocates across the globe to ensure the rights of all people to the air, the water, and the wild.